Monday, May 9, 2011


Dear Readers,
To share with you this special moment in Singapore with you
Our SG Elections - the first time for my generation!

The last time was in 2006. Its been 5 years since such a major election has happened.

There are currently two types of elections in Singapore: parliamentary and presidential elections.

While the Constitution of Singapore does not specify exactly when elections need to be held, Parliamentary or General Elections are generally 5 years apart, while Presidential elections generally held 6 years apart.

The parliament of Singapore is unicameral with 84 seats. Since the Legislative Assembly election in 1959, the government of Singapore has always been formed by the People's Action Party with an overwhelming majority, and in several elections the only party elected.

Went to the Nee Soon PAP Election Rally.

Political parties
The governing People's Action Party (PAP) has been in power since Singapore's independence in 1965.

Besides the ruling PAP, the other major political parties that may contest the upcoming elections are
the Workers' Party of Singapore (WP) led by Low Thia Khiang 新加坡工人党

the Reform Party (Singapore) led by Kenneth Jeyaretnam

the Singapore Democratic Alliance (SDA) led by Chiam See Tong, which is composed of the Singapore Malay National Organization (PKMS) and the Singapore People's Party (SPP)

the National Solidarity Party (NSP) which left the SDA in 2007

the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) led by Chee Soon Juan, who may run in 2011 after his conviction in 2002 expires.

And the signs along every district
With our official PAP and some oppositions.
AMK Area

And the library also participated in educating the public about the past and present Singapore.
Singapore in its kampung days
And the current Singapore - with its HDB High rise flats

The first ever ERP Indication

Our famous great Singapore workout

All our national sports champions - the ones that propelled Singapore in the sports arena

The first colored TV introduction
Michael Fay - who vandalized and got caned - His story till this date is in the memory of many people who recognises Singapore as a no-nonsense country - and hence crimes are few here.
Disasters that strucked Singapore
The cable car hanging in the air
The collapse of new world hotel

On this ending note, this elections was an eye opener. Its people rose up against the call, searching for their voice. With a few precious ministers gone , I hope politics will not hinder but instead aid in the development of Singapore , for its future.
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